In the Spotlight: Meet Karen Scott!
Every Paradise Galleries doll is traced with the artist's life story and unique experience. We are very happy to work with a lot of talented people in bringing dolls & happiness to every home in the world. Meet the artist behind our African American toddler boy Wonderfully Made, Frozen Princess, and our newest toddler girl Boho Beauty. Get to know world-renowned doll artist Karen Scott and learn a little bit about herself!
1. How did you get into sculpting?
I have always been surrounded by art since I was a child. My dad was a portrait artist. My mother was especially talented in sewing and knitting but was always trying something new artistically. I always managed to get involved in many of the same projects they were doing. After getting married and having my two daughters I would enjoy drawing portraits as a hobby, but it was always a bit of a challenge. In 1989 my mother took a porcelain doll making class and read an article about how to create original dolls from clay. She thought it might be something I might enjoy. So my parents purchased everything I would need to get started. Once my hands touched the clay I felt I had found what I was meant to do…I was hooked. I am amazed at how all of the skills I learned from my parents have been instrumental in my doll making career. Together with my parents, and much hard work, we began producing my original dolls and selling them at doll shows. Since then, I have been blessed with many awesome opportunities to create dolls for companies and collectors.
2. Tell us one fun fact about you that you’d love to share with us!
After my husband retired from the automotive industry, he became a Pastor. I am now a Pastor’s wife!
3. What inspires you to create beautiful dolls?
Through the years I have created several types of dolls. It usually starts with an idea or specific concept…but what inspires me is facial expression and the challenge of creating a connection between myself and the face looking back at me. I feel that if I can connect with my dolls, others will too. Babies and small children are my absolute favorite to create.
4. What makes a PG doll special?
I love the freedom that PG gives the artist to create, so that end product is a true representation of what was in the artist's heart.

Karen Scott with African American toddler boy Wonderfully Made
5. Your latest creation with PG is Boho Beauty, could you share some story behind her beautiful sculpt?
As with many of my dolls I use photos of family or friends as reference for the doll. This doll was sculpted from photos of one of my granddaughters. I am so pleased to be able to give her a doll that was inspired by her.
6. Among all the PG dolls you’ve sculpted, which one is your favorite, and why?
While all of the dolls I have made for Paradise Galleries are special to me, I would have to say “Wonderfully Made” is my favorite. First of all, I love how adorable his facial expression turned out…but on top of that I LOVE his name and the concept it represents. Did you know that the Bible tells us that we are “Wonderfully Made?” Psalm 139: 14. I believe that God has equipped us all with talents, skills and personalities which are unique to each individual. God has thoughtfully created each of us on purpose for a purpose…to love and serve one another. You and I are wonderfully made and loved by God…how cool is that?
7. A lot of deceptive sellers and sites are stealing artists’ photos and imitating doll sculpts of artists like you, what advice can you give to all the doll collectors to avoid this widespread fraud?
I would say always purchase direct from the company’s website or from a dealer that you know is reputable.
8. For artists starting their journey in sculpting, what advice can you give to them?
It has been my experience that being a doll artist is a lot of hard work and determination that can take over your home and your life...so if you love what you are doing, it makes all the hard work worthwhile. Also, criticism can hurt, but is often necessary when doing custom or commissioned work. Don’t give up…learn from it. Don’t compare your work with other artists, that just leads to frustration. Your talent is your unique gift that only YOU can do to share with others. Never stop learning new things to make each doll better than the last.
9. A short message to your PG fans during this unprecedented time
Thank you! I feel so blessed to know that others are enjoying the dolls I have made for Paradise Galleries. Wow! This pandemic has certainly brought about changes in our lives. My husband and I both had COVID 19 and have thankfully recovered. Early on, when masks were in short supply, I used my sewing skills to make masks for friends and family who worked in the medical field, as a way to help keep them safe and healthy. Now that we are all required to wear masks I continue to make masks to reach out to those in my life who need a little encouragement…now with a little added bling! I believe God has equipped each us for such a time such as this to use our talents and skills to serve and love one another. God bless you…stay safe and healthy!
As part of our celebration of her talent with us, every purchase of her Paradise Galleries dolls will receive double Paradise points until October 10th, 2020. To learn more about our Loyalty & Rewards, click here.
Boho Beauty

Wonderfully Made

Frozen Princess

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