Meet Noah - Our NEW Doll for Down Syndrome Awareness!
Seeing uniqueness as a GIFT opens our eyes to many extraordinary wonders of life. With our special little boy, we hope to fill your home with love and joy as you welcome our truly one-of-a-kind Down Syndrome Baby Noah.
A Note From the Artist
I would like to thank everyone who is enjoying Paradise Galleries new baby "Noah". I am Lauren Faith Jaimes, the sculptor of this very special Down Syndrome awareness baby. He was so fun and challenging to create! I am also very honored and happy to announce that my original sculpt, of this doll, “Orion", won Two Dolls Magazine Diamond Awards in 2021.
I began sculpting mini baby dolls 2012 when I had to take a break from my nursing career. As an RN, the years spent in NICU, caring for the tiniest of patients has always provided inspiration for my sculpts. I am particularly fond of expressive faces and love a new sculpting project.
When Paradise Galleries asked me if I had ever considered creating a Down syndrome awareness sculpt, I had to think about it for a moment, Around the same time a special movie caught my eyes and heart. It is called, “To Joey With Love” . The story of one couple's life journey, including the birth of their precious daughter who was born with Down Syndrome. Their story touched me so much, that after watching it, I knew that my answer had to be yes!
The Noah sculpt took a total of 4 months to create. Each of my sculpts begins as an idea, a pair of glass eyes, and package of polymer clay. Each of my creations is a blend of different faces and photos, imagination, research, laughter and sometimes tears. Admittedly, it was a challenge for me to accurately express into raw clay the unique physical traits of Down Syndrome. While there are specific characteristics, that accompany Down Syndrome, each child mostly resembles their own family.
The journey of sculpting "Noah", became quite a personal one. For me, each sculpt comes out best when there is feeling behind the creation. I ended up spending hours researching, and falling in love with many inspirational families who have the rare opportunity to enjoy a child born with an extra chromosome. I learned that over 90 percent of parents who give birth to a child with trisomy 21, do not know this prior to giving birth. Most are shocked at the news at first and then realize that their child with an extra chromosome brings just that to the world! Their presence in the world brings extra joy, empathy, beauty and sweetness to the world. I am so appreciative of the families who educate, and advocate daily for people with Down Syndrome.

From my heart through my hands and into the clay I am forever changed as a result of the opportunity to create this precious little boy, Noah, I hope he brings you joy and makes you smile from the inside out whenever you see him.
Thank you, Lauren Faith Jaimes.

Down Syndrome Baby Noah
Every child can do amazing things, and so can he! Baby Noah was born with unique gifts. While we all call it an extra copy of chromosome 21, this little one calls it an extraordinary blessing! He will surely touch many hearts with a smile that purely reflects joy and contentment.
Apart from his irresistible sweet baby face, his unique attributes are shown all throughout his body. Have you noticed the sandal gap between the larger toe and the second toe? Plus, a transverse palmar crease across both palms and a bend in the upper knuckle of his pinky fingers. He also has top ear folds, flat facial features, a slightly smaller head, and shorter limbs—all of these are what make him lovable and adorably special.
An Award-winning Sculpt
Baby Noah by world-renowned doll artist Lauren Faith Jaimes recently won the 💎2021 Dolls Awards of Excellence. This little boy reminds us that every one is unique and beautiful. With full of smiles & energy, he hopes to make you smile in every special way: Squeeze his baby cheeks and he’ll stick his tongue out! 💕
Made With LOVE in Each And Every Detail
Photos of Baby Noah's original sculpt from artist Lauren Faith Jaimes
Take Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Baby Noah Today!
Down Syndrome Baby Noah
Meet Noah our beloved Down Syndrome Baby Boy Noah. Just when you think you know what love is, this little baby looks up at you with his twinkling brown almond eyes and smiles. Indeed, he is truly unique and one of a kind. Squeeze his baby cheeks and he’ll stick his tongue out! His adorable expression reflects pure joy as he finds a home with you, forever.
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